Where’s the Joy?

God is Big Enough
June 4, 2024
Choose What Is Better
July 2, 2024
God is Big Enough
June 4, 2024
Choose What Is Better
July 2, 2024
Known and Loved
Known and Loved
Where's the Joy?

Today we look to where we can find true joy. Psalm 16: 11 says: “In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” There is only one place where we can be filled with true joy! There is only one place where joy flows abundantly and eternally: In the presence of Jesus.  If we struggle with experiencing true joy, we have to ask ourselves this tough question: Where am I? We have a choice each day— we can place ourselves in the presence of the Lord every day. If we make this choice we find true joy.