About Monica

I am my husband’s adoring wife, my daughter's “Mama,” a crazy dog lover, and everyday falling more deeply in love with the Lord! In September of 2008 we were blessed with a tiny addition to our family (this time a baby instead of a puppy!) Watching her become the young woman God has designed her to be has been a beautiful gift. Our Grace is a reflection of His grace--- an ever-present wonder to us and a constant source of joy.
See God in everyday moments.
Life with Grace serves to illustrate our true identity. It reflects on how our relationship with God is a mirror image of the parent-child relationship in its ideal form. Not “just for moms” or intended as a parenting tool, its purpose is to help each of us embrace God as our extravagantly loving, fiercely protective, epically heroic, gently admonishing, and generously giving Father.
Life with Grace hopes to build an opportunity for everyone to see God in everyday moments— Moments that will edify, encourage and inspire each of them in a spiritual adventure to know God personally, to love him deeply, pursue him passionately, and serve him daily.